Comparison of Different Bone Filling Materials and Resorbable Membranes by Means of Micro-Tomography. A Preliminary Study in Rabbits
Enrique Fernández-Bodereau 1
, Guillermo Dedossi 1
, Victor Ortega Asencio 2
Manuel Fernández-Domínguez 2
, Sérgio Alexandre Gehrke 3
, Juan Manuel Aragoneses 4
and José Luis Calvo-Guirado 5,*
1 Department of Prothodontics, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba 5100, Argentine; (E.F.-B.); (G.D.)
2 Department of Implant Surgery, CEU San Pablo University, 28223 Madrid, Spain; (V.O.A.); (M.F.-D.)
3 Department of Research, Biotecnos, Cuareim 1483, CP 11100, Montevideo, Uruguay;
4 Department of Dental Research in Universidad Federico Henriquez y Carvajal (UFHEC), Santo Domingo
10107, Dominican Republic;
5 Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), 30107 Murcia, Spain
* Correspondence:
Received: 18 March 2019; Accepted: 9 April 2019; Published: 12 April 2019
Abstract: The purpose of this work was to evaluate the behavior of different membranes and
bone filling materials used to fill critical defects in rabbit calvaria. Four defects were prepared
in the cranial calvaria of female rabbits. They were randomly divided into three subgroups
according to the type of barrier membrane to be used. Four animals carried cross-linked bovine
collagen membranes (Mem-Lok, Bio-Horizons, Birmingham, AL, USA)), four human fascia lata
membranes (Tissue, Inbiomed SA, Córdoba, Argentina) and four human chorioamniotic membranes
(Tissue. Inbiomed SA, Córdoba, Argentina). The defects were filled with the deproteinized bovine
bone particulate BioOss®(GeistlichPharma AG, Wolhusen, Switzerland), with particulate human
hydroxyapatite MinerOss®(Bio-Horizons, Birmingham, AL, USA), with particulate dental material
(Tissue Bank Foundation, Inbiomed S.A., Córdoba, Argentina), and the last one was left without
the addition of filler material. In the first group of four specimens, a resorbable cross-linked bovine
collagen membrane was placed over the skull and defects, without additional fixing. In the second
group, a human fascia lata membrane was placed, without additional fixing. In the third group,
a human chorioamniotic membrane was placed, without additional fixing. The animals were sacrificed
at 4 and 8 weeks. The highest percentages of relative radiological density (average) were recorded
considering the amnio-chorionic membranes (83.63%) followed by collagen (81.44%) and finally
the fascia lata membranes (80.63%), but the differences were not statistically significant (p > 0.05).
The sites grafted with a decellularized tooth (96.83%) and BioOss (88.42%), recorded the highest
percentages of radiological density but did not differ significantly from each other (subset 2). The three
membranes used did not show statistical differences between them, in any of the two time periods
used. There were statistical differences between the filling materials evidencing the presence of a
large quantity of calcified material in the defects treated with particulate tooth and deproteinized
bovine bone and while smaller amounts of calcified material were registered in the case of defects
treated with human hydroxyapatite and those that were not treated.